Summer Charm
by Aimelle Ml
Summer Charm
Aimelle Ml
Photograph - Photography
*as is* - colors from camera - unedited photograph
original title: Charme d'ete
.** 2nd photo for a diptych? ... here -->
* Features *
- Loving the Color Green (03/16/2012)
February 5th, 2012
Comments (17)
Jean OKeeffe Macro Abundance Art
Congratulations for your feature on the homepage of Greeting Cards For All Occasions 7-25-15!
Aimelle ML
Thank you to the buyer from Bowie, MD - United States.(07-20-2015). I'm happy you're giving a home to my diptych nature images :)
Pepita Selles
Art art,,,,I hope I will see the nature in same way...after seeing this.
Aimelle Ml replied:
I'm sure your way will be beautiful Pepita :) thank you for the visit and comment!
Odd Jeppesen
If this had come straight out of my camera I would have overjoyed. Beautiful shot.
Aimelle Ml replied:
I have hesitated as I had a darker one (straight from camera) and didn't know which would please the most. I've opted for softness... thank you Odd! glad you liked it :)