by Aimelle Ml
Aimelle Ml
Photograph - Photography
a little girl amused by a leaf that felt on her face while she was playing in a pile of fallen leaves :) - Aimelle 2008
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- Ladies Club (09/18/2017)
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"Photography My Passion" (07/12/2014)
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- The 200 Club (04/01/2014)
- Photographic Excellence (03/03/2014)
- The Gold Standard (02/28/2014)
- Kids
- Photographic Art
- Women Photographer
- Dimension
May 23rd, 2011
Comments (124)
D Leah Jackson
Fantastic shot, nature with the surprise of a sweet face and startling blue eye peering out between the leaves, wonderful!
Johanna Hurmerinta
CONGRATULATIONS! Your beautiful art work is featured on the home page of LADIES CLUB. LF. You are welcome to archive your image in the Featured Images thread.
Christopher James
One of your peers nominated this image in the 1000 views Groups nominated images by your fellow artist in the Special Features #6 promotion discussion. Please visit and pass on the love to another artist.